Schräge Roboter

das kreative Mitmachlabor kommt in die Schule

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„What I can say is that from what I have observed over the course of my career, there are more and more women involved in the field. If anything, the challenges with diversity are that people come from different backgrounds and if you’re female or if you come from a different socioeconomic group, you approach things from a different perspective. That can be challenging because sometimes people who have a different perspective are viewed as—or can be sometimes viewed as—well, they just don’t get it or they don’t know how to play well with others. There’s a little bit of prickliness, discomfort, sometimes when you’re dealing with people who aren’t like yourself.
That’s one of the things that we all need to be mindful of—if somebody is approaching something from a different perspective, it may not mean that they’re wrong or they’re uncooperative, it just means that they have a different perspective. And a different perspective can oftentimes lead one to ask questions or solve problems that may not otherwise have been tackled. If everybody is looking at a problem in one way, you may not see all the dimensions of the problem that are actually there. It’s a real advantage to have diversity.“ — Esther Takeuchi


Hinterlasse einen Kommentar

„My basic idea is that programming is the most powerful medium of developing the sophisticated and rigorous thinking needed for mathematics, for grammar, for physics,for statistics, and all the “hard” subjects. In short, I believe more than ever that programming should be a key part of the intellectual development of people growing up.“ — Seymour Papert
Deutsch: Meine einfache Idee ist, dass Programmieren das wirksamste Medium ist, um komplexes und gründliches Denken zu entwickeln, das für Mathematik, für Grammatik, für Physik, für Statistik, und alle „schwierigen“ Fächer gebraucht wird. Knapp gesagt, ich glaube mehr als zuvor, dass Programmieren ein Schlüsssel für die intellektuelle Entwicklung von Kindern und Jugendlichen ist.

Quelle: David Kestenbaum. 2005. The challenges of IDC: what have we learned from our past?. Commun. ACM 48, 1 (January 2005), 35-38.